Assign champifys to tiers to help your team prioritize
How it works
Champify will assign leads and contacts to a tier if they are included in a provided Salesforce contact report.
Your reps can use these tiers to prioritize champifys and personalize messaging.
Should I leverage prioritization?
Prioritization is an optional feature, but when used correctly, it can unlock significant efficiency gains for revenue organizations.
We strongly recommend incorporating prioritization in three scenarios. However, if you don’t fit into one of these buckets and would like to try out the feature, reach out to your CSM and we can strategize the best fit for your team.
- Narrow ICP - If your ideal customer profile is narrower, Prioritization allows you to take into account custom sfdc fields (e.g. technographic data) when qualifying Champify leads. This would be data points in addition to headcount and title, which you will set up during onboarding and are already a part of Champify’s out of the box qualification.
- Significant tracked volume - If you are tracking a large number of contacts with champify (the most common scenario is when a customer has a massive user base), Prioritization allows you to quickly give reps direction on where to prioritize their time.
- Manual v. automated follow up - If you are looking to varying the outreach strategy for Champify leads, Prioritization allows you to operationalize tiering so you can set up automation (e.g. auto-queueing in a sales enablement tool) more easily.
Before Setup
Prioritization in Champify relies on Salesforce contact reports. Before setup in the Champify app, you’ll need to create reports for your criteria.
- Decide on how to tier your champifys using a combination of contact and account criteria such as seniority, ICP fit, intent, etc.
- What is Tier 1? (drop everything to work)
- What is Tier 2? (prioritize, but doesn’t need immediate action)
- Create Salesforce reports for Tier 1 and Tier 2
All champifys that aren’t included in Tier 1 or Tier 2 reports will be assigned to Tier 3.
What happens if I only assign Tier 1?
Can’t decide on Tier 2? Don’t fret. Champify will assign all champifys not in the Tier 1 report to Tier 3.
Configure Prioritization
- Navigate to the Setup Screen in the Champify App in Salesforce
- Scroll down to the Priority Reports section

- In a separate tab, open the Salesforce report for Tier 1
- From the URL, select and copy the report ID (the ID in the URL after
and before/view

- Paste the report ID in the field for Tier 1

- Repeat steps 3 through 5 for Tier 2
- Next time Champify runs a batch update, the Champify Priority field will be updated.
Don’t want to wait for updates?
You can reset the Champify Priority values by clicking “Reset Priority” in the bottom right corner of the Setup screen under “Manual Control”.

Add to Contact or Lead Lists
To add ‘Champify Priority’ to a contact or lead list:
- Edit the report
- Add a new column to the report, ‘Champify Priority’
- Rearrange the column order as you choose
- Save & Run the report and confirm that the column is added

Last updated on September 20, 2023