Champify Explorer - Sales Rep UI
Salesforce-native interface for reps to action Champifys
In Q2 2024, we rolled out a new primary experience for reps to locate the Champify leads and contacts in their name.
The new experience is hosted within Salesforce and has a custom interface to allow for prospecting activities at the contact, lead and account level.

The weekly email alerts will direct users to this view and we recommend it is added as a tab to the Salesforce Navigation bar.
Instructions: For SFDC admins, add the new view to the Salesforce Navigation bar. Within Salesforce: “Edit” pen icon → “Add More Items” → “New” → Search and select “Champify” → Drop up to the top of the list. Screenshots available: Adding Champify Explorer to the SFDC Nav Bar.
What new features are available with Champify Explorer?
- One location for all leads and contact. No need to have different list for different objects.
- Hiding: Remove records from the view by selecting and “hiding” the person. This also removes the record from the weekly email alerts.
- Account-based workflow
- The “All” tab under accounts shows all accounts assigned to the running user and details the number of former customers, open opps, and industry/FTE information
- The “Open Opps” tab allows reps to explore accounts that have in-flight opportunities and former customer records at that account to promote multi-threading
- Introduced the “Ownership” column: promotes collaboration between AE/SDR pairings. Enables reps to view a records that satisfies any of these three criteria,
- Running user is the contact or lead owner
- Running user owns an account that has a Champify contact assign
- Running user is listed via a lookup field on the account page. To specify which lookup fields should be leveraged in Champify Explorer and the email and slack alert, please configure this on the Setup Screen. Additional information in “Enabling Email Alerts”:
Activation, Alerts, and List Views – Champify | Documentation
- Adds the “get intro from” field by default to the view. Get intro from surfaces an applicable coworker who has the closest relationship with the prospect (defined by meeting activity logged in Salesforce).
View Definitions
- “New” - Lists all records without activity logged and assigned to the running user, at a running users account, or where they are listed on the account team; this also excludes records that have been hidden
- “All” - Shows all records that satisfy the ownership criteria detailed above
- “Hidden” - Shows all records that satisfy the ownership criteria detailed above and have been manually hidden
- “Account - All” - Shows all accounts that satisfy the ownership criteria and have a champify assigned
- “Account - Open Opps” - Shows all accounts with 1+ open opportunity, have a champify assigned, and satisfy the ownership criteria
Last updated on September 17, 2024