Departure Email Alerts
How to leverage departure data without a CSM tool
Only use if not using a CSM tool such as Gainsight or Catalyst
This how we’ll ensure that CSMs are able to act on Champify data seamlessly within their existing tools and workflows. This is primarily done via task creation within Salesforce or your CSM tool that reads from Salesforce. The recommended messaging for each scenario is outlined in the “messaging” page of Champify’s Success Guides.
Step 1 - Create Classic Email Template
- Setup → classic email templates → new template
- Object = contact, then insert the “merge fields” such as contact relationship, account renewal date, etc. Any contact and/or account fields you’d like displayed.
- Ensure that the email is made “active”

- Optional: you can also add text at the bottom for the suggested messaging for the CSM to send to other stakeholders at the account:
Hey {FirstName1}, {FirstName2}, {FirstName3}, We just noticed that {name of contact that left} moved to a different company. As they were one of our primary stakeholders, I wanted to reach out and see if (1) another person, perhaps {suggest names of other people to involve} should be looped into the relationship, and (2) if it makes sense to chat with them to catch up to speed on the relationship. The goal here is to make sure we have the right leaders focusing on this project to drive XZY results {why they bought in the first place} Any insight on this front is appreciated! Cheers, {SenderFirstName}
Step 2 - Create Email Alert
- Setup → email alerts → new email alert
- Select the template you created in step 1
- Select recipients. Usually this is the “owner” of the contact/account, and not a single individual. See screenshot.
- Save alert and ensure this is “available for use”

Step 3 - Create & Activate Flow
- Setup → flows → new flow
- Set Entry Criteria (see screenshot)
- Record-Triggered Flow
- Object: When a CONTACT is UPDATED
- Conditions:
- “no longer at company” = true
- Account type contains / equals customer (this specific field varies. It could be account type or account status). Purpose is to only trigger alert if the account the contact left is a customer.
- Optional: if you want to set other conditions to ensure it is only sent for a key stakeholder departure. You can add more conditions around title seniority, the relationship type, or whether the contact was marked as a primary stakeholder

- Set Action
- Send email alert → select the email alert from step 2
- Input criteria = {$}
- Email won't work unless you set the input value to this.


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Last updated on October 4, 2023