Get Intro From
Increase your response rate through warm connections
How It Works
‘Get Intro From’ identifies the coworker who is most familiar with a prospect. Champify analyzes the interaction history between a champify and active members of your team (active Salesforce users). If a team member has met with a past contact at least 3 times or owned a closed won opportunity on which the contact was involved, Champify will designate that Salesforce user as the ‘Get Intro From’ contact.
Ask this coworker if they can make an intro to this prospect, or if you can namedrop and cc them in an intro email.
Why is 'Get Intro From' empty sometimes?
Champify will only populate this field when the below criteria is met:
- A Salesforce user has had at least 3 meetings with a contact
- OR a Salesforce user owned an closed won opportunity on which the contact was involved
If no active users qualify, the field will be left blank. We chose to default to empty instead of "next best" to reduce noise of asking for intros from weak connections.
What do I do if 'Get Intro From' shows a former employee?
Occasionally, a Salesforce user will remain active after an employee has left and is deactivated in other systems. Champify relies on Salesforce to determine if a user is active, so 'Get Intro From' may show an employee who still has an active Salesforce user but has left the company.
When this happens, you can check the contact's past activity to see if there's anyone else on your team who has worked with your prospect in their previous role. Another option is to simply mention that previous employee who the prospect knows well.
Add to a Salesforce Report
To add ‘Get Intro From’ to a contact report:
- Edit the report
- Add a new column to the report, ‘Champify Get Intro From’
- Rearrange the column order as you choose
- Save & Run the report and confirm that the column is added.

Add to a Contact or Lead Page Layout
To add ‘Get Intro From’ to a contact or lead page layout:
- Navigate to the Salesforce Setup screen
- Navigate to Object Manager
- Open the Contact or Lead object
- Open Page Layouts and select the desired layout (e.g. “Contact Layout”)
- Find the ‘Champify Get Intro From’ field

- Add the field alongside other Champify fields

- Save the Page Layout
Last updated on December 21, 2023